New Friend Friday - Link Up and CHANGES
The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse have officially teamed up to co-host New Friend Fridays!
We will now be hosting NFF the FIRST Friday of each month. So there will be no NFF again until NOVEMBER 5th. We are wanting to focus on more content for our blogs and know how much you all love NFF, so we wanted to keep it going at least once a month. So please spread the word that we will only be hosting this ONCE A MONTH - Thanks for understanding!
New Friend Fridays is a fun blog hop where it's all about making new bloggy friends and offering meaningful comment support to other bloggers. Whether you add your link to the list at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse it's all just one great big list.
- Add a link to your main blog
- Visit the blog of the person whose name is above and below your name in the list and leave a meaningful comment on their blog.
- Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse.
- There is no obligation and no pressure to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. :)
- Family Friendly Blogs ONLY please. Explicit sites will be removed.
If you have any questions or concerns about the rules, please click HERE to read a post that should clarify things a bit.
Grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.